Friday, December 08, 2006

useful URLs

How much u know ?
General Knowledge Blog -
: Economic Terms, Glossaries and Definitions :
List of COuntries by Their GDP
Punchlines of Indian & Foreign COmpanies , Brands and Products
Top COmpanies of The World & their CEos
: Indian cabinet Ministers - Who is Minister of which department
Top Dot COm Companies of the World
Various Indian Awards & Descrition about the same
Indian News Papers
Players of Indian origin in national cricket teams of other countries
Renamed Indian Cities :
( Bombay -Mumbai , Baroda -Vadodara etc.)
Various Indian Dances
Languages of India


Anonymous said...

me again

suggestion - could u list the name of parliaments of different countries
like the parliament of japan is called "Diet"
Parliament of ISrael is called Knesset
so on and so forth

could u upload a full list??


Ashish kumar Tripathi said...

ya sure--i'll upload that full list .and again thanx fr ur nice suggestion

Anonymous said...

can you please give the links of indian geography and history

Ashish kumar Tripathi said...

ya sure i'll provide those links in my next blog